How to draw Maka Albarn

Helloo!! Today I’m going to teach you how to draw Maka Albarn from Soul Eater!! We’re going to draw her with her jacket on, even though you could draw it either way, it’s easier with the jacket on! Well, that’s what I think. If it’s easier without the jacket, then you can draw Maka without her jacket on. (Sorry it took so long!!) Maka_Albarn Now, prepare to draw Maka Albarn!!! XDIMG_20170628_191924_kindlephoto-5335542 First, draw a head shape like this or similar to it.IMG_20170628_202658Then draw some bangs on her face, then get the hair shape around her head, and the draw the pigtails.IMG_20170628_194142_kindlephoto-5438419Then, draw the nose around 1 or 1 1/2 inches away from the main bang. Next draw the shirt collars. Below the shirt collars, draw the tie. Around the  shirt, she has a jacket. The shoulder line on the jacket starts from midway down the side of the shoulder, to the bottom of the shoulder.IMG_20170628_194157_kindlephoto-5386597When you have that done, draw stripes going diagonally on the bottom part of Maka’s tie going right, then do the same with the top part of it, except going left.  Then draw a straight line about half an inch below the nose, then draw a tiny curve on the right end of the mouth going upwards.IMG_20170628_194208_kindlephoto-5360407And that is how you draw Maka Albarn from Soul Eater!! You’re welcome! 😉